Closing your Pool For Winter

Closing your Pool For Winter

We know that dreaded time of year, you have been swimming all summer and your garden has been a lifeline for keeping the children entertained. Now its Autumn and you're busy thinking about Christmas. Don't let closing your pool for winter become a chore. We have a great video guide below and we even sell a winter chemical kit for you to use.

So now you know how to winterise your pool, what about why we do it? 

Pools are closed properly over the winter months for a number of reasons. Freezing conditions can damage expensive pool equipment and can tear vinyl liners. Also, most people completely stop maintenance over the winter. Having a pool covered and without running the filter can allow algae, bacteria and chemical residues to build up over several months.

Naturally, all of these problems can be quite expensive to fix. They are also the last thing you want to contend with when the weather is nice again in the spring and you want to open the pool back up.

Stay ahead of the situation and avoid any future issues by following the comprehensive video guide or see our spa and pool guide page for more help.

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